“Casello have hosted many apprentices from Apprenticeships Group Australia. A number of these apprentices, after completing their apprenticeship, have been offered ongoing employment with our company as qualified carpenters.”
Casello Pty Ltd of Melbourne, is a long term AGA host employer who have helped train hundreds of young Australians, employing up to 20 AGA apprentices at any one time. Craig Hall, Site Foreman for Casello Pty Ltd, said, ‘the skill set and hire arrangement of AGA apprentices along with the flexibility when going from job to job are real benefits to our organisation’.
Mark Cassar, Managing Director of Casello Pty Ltd concurs, “Casello have hosted many apprentices from Apprenticeships Group Australia. A number of these apprentice, after completing their apprenticeship, have been offered ongoing employment with our company as qualified carpenters. We have found having AGA apprentices on our sites to be beneficial to our organisation and at the same time building and maintaining a skilled workforce for the Victorian construction industry”.
AGA’s host employers are an integral constituent to the group training model and play a significant part in shaping the next generations of Australian tradesmen and women, simultaneously helping increase our national skills base. First year AGA apprentice Jesse Ulbricht (pictured above left) has recently started with Casello Pty Ltd and is enjoying the experience of working in a commercial environment.
Michael Szikla, a fourth year AGA apprentice also working with Casello Pty Ltd, has almost completed his apprenticeship and has had some well rounded experience during his time working with both domestic and commercial builders.